It Scares Animals

A seven letter word that has T as the second letter, A as the fourth letter and S as the sixth letter. Girls love it, boys use it, parents hate it and it scares animals. Hint: It’s a German word.

A persistent puzzle solver will discover that no English word satisfies the letter requirements, to say nothing of the loving, using, hating or being scared requirements. I found three German words that work:

1) strafst
2) strapse
3) strauss

1 and 3 mean punish and bouquet respectively. I couldn’t find a definition for strapse. Punish is the likely answer. Girls love to punish boys, boys use punishment as well, a good parent hates to use punishment and animals are scared of it. I don’t know of any animals that are scared of a bouquet, though a bouquet fits as something girls love and boys use.

Posted in Riddles


90 Comments on "It Scares Animals"

felix says
April 12, 2015 @ 11:59

Why do parent hate it? Or does not really like if?

April 15, 2015 @ 17:57

It’s STRAUSS but not an English word, on like bouquet or punishment . girls love to punish boys, boys like to present bouquet to girls because they love it,parents hate punishment and animals are very scared of punishment.

April 15, 2015 @ 18:13

. and the other answer is OTIAUSE. Otiause is an african leaf that enhances
female beauty, it’s also an aphrodisiac, so the men
like it too. But animals hate it since it attracts both
men & women to the forest, thereby causing

Rex says
April 19, 2015 @ 01:30

So wats ur own conclusion reuben?

Manasi says
April 23, 2015 @ 12:22

so much tried… not getting answer.. so much tricky.. what it would be?????!!!!!!!!!!

Moonga Edify says
April 28, 2015 @ 03:50

STRASSE e German word means STREET.

Richy says
May 19, 2015 @ 04:17

The answer is STRAUSS.
The word ‘SRAUSS’ originated from a German word
STRAUS. Just like most of the words in English
Language, this word was brought into the English
language. The English pronouced it STRAUSS.
The true meaning of the word is found in the Dictionary
of Names because the English use it for naming purposes
only to male babies and attached so strong meaning(s) to
The word means three things all put togather and they are all Seven letter words:
1. BOUQUET(7): This is an attractive collection of
FLOWERS(7). GIRLS LOVE IT. Bouquet also means
PERFUME(7). Girl also love this. Right?
2. OSTRICH(7): This is a name of an animal. It has three
symbolical meanings as follows: BRAVERY(7),
STRENGH(7) DEFENCE(7). The braveness of man, his
strengh of heart and the ability to defend are most
important tools men use to attract women and
personalities to them. BOYS USE IT (the symbolism in
Ostrich) to make girls fall in love.
3. ASSAULT(7): The crime of trying or threatening to
hurt humans or animals. It also mean a VIOLENT(7)
physical attack. Example, sexual assault PARENTS
HATE IT, Showing cruelty to animals? all ANIMALS

Richy says
May 19, 2015 @ 04:20

The answer is STRAUSS.
The word ‘STRAUSS’ originated from a German word
STRAUS. Just like most of the words in English
Language, this word was brought into the English
language. The English pronounced it STRAUSS.
The true meaning of the word is found in the Dictionary
of Names because the English use it for naming purposes
only to male babies and attached so strong meaning(s) to
The word means three things all put together and they are all Seven letter words:
1. BOUQUET(7): This is an attractive collection of
FLOWERS(7). GIRLS LOVE IT. Bouquet also means
PERFUME(7). Girl also love this. Right?
2. OSTRICH(7): This is a name of an animal. It has three
symbolic meanings as follows: BRAVERY(7),
STRENGH(7) DEFENCE(7). The braveness of man, his
strength of heart and the ability to defend are most
important tools men use to attract women and
personalities to them. BOYS USE IT (the symbolism in
Ostrich) to make girls fall in love.
3. ASSAULT(7): The crime of trying or threatening to
hurt humans or animals. It also mean a VIOLENT(7)
physical attack. Example, sexual assault PARENTS
HATE IT, Showing cruelty to animals? all ANIMALS

Sean Glover says
June 5, 2015 @ 10:46

Well. Let’s give the germans a word they need to figure out. This had me going off my rocker. The guy who sent it to me didn’t say it was in a foreign language. Clever man.

Engr damilola says
June 11, 2015 @ 20:16

I really love it thanks very much it’s helpful….

nalini says
June 12, 2015 @ 21:59

This riddle helps us to increase our vocabulary

gaurav says
July 2, 2015 @ 10:36

very difficult…

Alex says
July 6, 2015 @ 16:26

hmm,interesting…I’m glad its not an English word…been thinking of wat word tHaT could be..nice tho.

VÏÃŜĦ says
July 8, 2015 @ 21:39

Complete this 6 letter word:
_ o _ e _ h

1. Girls love it.
2. Boys use it.
3. Parents hate it.
4. Animals are scared of it. You are brilliant if you say the answer within today….. reply me as fast as you can
You can send it to your friends to get the answer.!

Dan says
July 10, 2015 @ 10:59

The only words I know of that satisfy the _ o _ e _ h, 6-letter requirement are cometh and joseph. But neither of those fit the clues.

1 2 3 4 6

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