One Sunday to Seven Saturday

1. Sunday
2. Monday
3. Tuesday
4. Wednesday
5. Thursday
6. Friday
7. Saturday

What phrase does this represent?

Days are numbered. Commonly used to say someone or something is going to end soon.

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An Eye In A Blue Face

An eye in a blue face
Saw an eye in a green face.
‘That eye is like this eye’
Said the first eye,
But in a low, not high place.

The sun shining on daisies.

Posted in Riddles

The Greatest God

The Pharoah asked, “Who is the greatest god?”

“I am not,” said Horus.
“Anubis is,” said Isis.
“Isis is lying,” said Anubis.

Only one god was telling the truth and the other two were lying.

Who really is the greatest god?

Horus is the greatest

“I am not,” said Horus = LIE
“Anubis is,” said Isis = LIE
“Isis is lying,” said Anubis = TRUE

Posted in Brain Teasers

So Simple I Only Point

I’m so simple I only point,
Yet I guide people all over the world.

What am I?

A compass.

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Eight Eleven Five Sequence

Which two numbers are missing and where do they go in the sequence?

8, 11, 5, 14, 1, 7, 6, 10, 13, 3, 12, 2

The missing numbers are 4 and 9. The list is sorted alphabetically by the English spelling of the numbers, so four belongs after five and nine comes after fourteen.

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Bowl That Can’t Be Filled

I am as round and deep as a bowl, but all the world’s water couldn’t fill me up. What am I?

A sieve.

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The Mystery Six-Digit Number

Find a six-digit number containing no zeros and no repeated digits that satisfies the following conditions:

1. The first and fourth digits sum to the last digit, as do the third and fifth digits.
2. The first and second digits when read as a two-digit number equal one quarter the fourth and fifth digits.
3. The last digit is four times the third digit.


If you call the number ABCDEF, then you get the following equations.

1. A + D = F and C + E = F
2. AB = DE / 4
3. F = 4 × C

The only numbers that work for C and E are 2 and 6 or 4 and 8, and in order to make F a single-digit number, we can deduce that C = 2, E = 6 and F = 8.

So far, our number is AB2D68.

We know A + D = 8 so A and D are both odd numbers. The only odd number less than 8 that we can use for D to make one-quarter of two-digit number D6 also be a two-digit number is 7, so D = 7 and A is 1. This makes the two-digit number AB 19.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Reading in the Dark

Jim and his wife Patty were sitting in bed together one evening while a thunderstorm raged outside. After a bolt of lightning followed by a loud clap of thunder, the lights went out. Jim stopped reading and went to sleep, but Patty continued reading in the dark. How did she do it?


Patty is blind and was reading a Braille book so she didn’t need the light to begin with. Of course this also meant she didn’t know Jim snuck downstairs to get some cookies, but we’ll just keep that quiet.

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Not Flesh, Feather, Scales Nor Bone

We are not flesh, feather, scales nor bone;
Yet we still have fingers and thumbs of our own.

What are we?

Gloves. They’re not made of flesh, feather, scales or bone, but have fingers and thumbs.

Posted in Riddles

Oh, Oh, Oh, No

What number do the three letters O, H and N represent in order to make this addition problem correct?

OH +

O = 2
H = 3
N = 9

23 +
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