The Peace Maker Weapon

What weapon is also a peace maker?

Note: Think homonyms

A knife. It turns things into pieces.

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Before Mount Everest

Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain in the world?

Still Mount Everest. Just because it wasn’t discovered didn’t make it any smaller.

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What Can You Add to One To Make It Go Away?

What can you add to one to make it go away?

The letter g. Then it’s gone.

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In A Dark Room with a Rope and a Pencil

Imagine you are in a dark room with a locked door. All you have with you is a rope and a pencil. You can hear the rain outside, but there
are no windows. How do you get out?

Stop imagining.

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Longest Word in English

What is the longest word in the English dictionary?

Smiles because there is a mile between the two s’s.

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A Room With No Windows

You are in a room with no windows, doors or any exit. The only items are a mirror and a table. How do you escape?

Hint: This is not a typical brain teaser.

Look in the mirror, then at the wall and back at the mirror to see what you saw. Use the saw to cut the table in half and join the two halves to make a whole. Put the “hole” on the wall and climb out.

I know, it’s lame. I like to have brain teasers that you can realistically guess, but this one’s so popular, I feel an obligation to include it.

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