I’m built from anything you don’t like,
You’re using me right now in fact,
I am one but represent many,
When attacked I’m easily cracked,
I’m created in seconds but live forever
And though you may not understand,
I’ll help you do well but be careful my friend,
Hurt me and you won’t withstand.
Kids are often told, when dealing with unpleasant things, that it builds character. You’re reading the characters this riddle is written with. In computer science a char is often represented by one byte and can store any character you want.
When politicians have their character besmirched it can swiftly change the voting public’s mind about them. Characters in novels are created with a few lines but live on in our memories. And if your character or reputation is damaged, you may find it hard to deal with the aftermath.
And here’s a great quote from Warren Buffet on your character.
“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you’ll do things differently.” — Warren Buffet
Evianna meets a man while attending her mother’s funeral. She becomes infatuated with him and he reciprocates the interest, but he leaves the funeral without giving her any contact information. She tries to locate him but is unsuccessful. Several days later she kills her sister.
Because she’s a psychopath. She killed her sister because she hoped the man would attend the funeral and she would get to see him again. This is one brain teaser that is probably best that you don’t get the correct answer. If you knew the answer right away and thought it was obvious, you may want to talk to someone.