Word Pronounced Incorrectly
What 11-letter word does everyone pronounce incorrectly?
The word “incorrectly”.
Posted in Riddles
Two Backbones
I have two backbones and thousands of ribs and I stretch across the land. What am I?
Train tracks.
Posted in Riddles
I Can Ruin a Lucky Run
I can ruin a lucky run,
Or create an item of wealth,
But for man, woman or child,
I’ll always steal your health.
What am I?
Die. The roll of a die can ruin a game of chance. A die (i.e. mold) is used to create new coins and so far at least, we all die.
Posted in Riddles
Wholly Unreal
Something wholly unreal, yet seems real to I
Think my friend, tell me where does it lie?
In your mind.
Posted in Riddles
Lighter Than What I’m Made Of
Lighter than what
I am made of,
More of me is hidden
Than is seen.
An Iceberg.
Posted in Riddles