Word Pronounced Incorrectly

What 11-letter word does everyone pronounce incorrectly?

The word “incorrectly”.

Posted in Riddles

Two Backbones

I have two backbones and thousands of ribs and I stretch across the land. What am I?

Train tracks.

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Yesterday and the Day After Tomorrow

When the day before yesterday was referred to as the day after tomorrow, the day that was then called yesterday was as far away from the day we now call tomorrow as yesterday is from the day which we shall now be able to speak of last Monday as a week ago yesterday. What day is it?


Posted in Brain Teasers

Which Do You Light First?

You have a single match and are in a pitch black room with a candle, an oil lamp and a gas stove. Which do you light first?

The match.

Posted in Brain Teasers

I Can Ruin a Lucky Run

I can ruin a lucky run,
Or create an item of wealth,
But for man, woman or child,
I’ll always steal your health.

What am I?

Die. The roll of a die can ruin a game of chance. A die (i.e. mold) is used to create new coins and so far at least, we all die.

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The Quirky Fruit Stand

At a quirky fruit stand, an orange costs 18 cents, a pineapple costs 27 cents and a grape costs 15 cents. Using the same logic, how much does a mango cost?

A mango costs 15 cents. The logic is 3 cents per letter.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Wholly Unreal

Something wholly unreal, yet seems real to I
Think my friend, tell me where does it lie?

In your mind.

Posted in Riddles

Lighter Than What I’m Made Of

Lighter than what
I am made of,
More of me is hidden
Than is seen.

An Iceberg.

Posted in Riddles

Longest Word in English

What is the longest word in the English dictionary?

Smiles because there is a mile between the two s’s.

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The Boat at High Tide

A boat has a ladder that has six rungs. Each rung is one foot apart. The bottom rung is one foot from the water. The tide rises at 12 inches every 15 minutes. High tide peaks in one hour.

When the tide is at its highest, how many rungs are under water?

None. The boat is floating on the water, so as the tide rises, so does the ladder.

Posted in Brain Teasers