Dumbstruck Beekeeper

Which word does not belong?

beekeeper, dumbbell, dumbstruck, untruthful

Dumbbell. All of the other words have only one of the vowels (a, e, i, o, u).

Posted in Brain Teasers

A Trail of Silver

If you carried my burden, you would be crushed.
Though not rich, I leave a trail of silver.

What am I?

A snail. They carry their homes on their back, and a house would crush a person (even the tiny houses). And the trail of silver is a bit of a stretch, but it’s the slimy, gooey substance snails leave behind them.

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What Goes In the Water Red?

What goes in the water red
And comes out black?


Posted in Riddles

Destroyer Of The Unbreakable

Destroyer of the unbreakable,
More of me is hidden than seen.

What am I?

An iceberg.

Posted in Riddles

Represent The Alphabet

What word or expression does this represent?


Missing you (U).

Posted in Brain Teasers

How Far Does a Dog Walk?

How far can a blind dog walk into a forest?

Halfway. After he gets halfway, he’s walking out of the forest.

Posted in Riddles

A Special Something Shared

The numbers 3, 7, 8, 40, 50 and 60 all share something that no other whole number does. What is it?

When spelled out in English they each have exactly five letters.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Dark Halloween Night

On a dark, stormy Halloween night, four kids named Luke, John, Sarah and Bob walk into a haunted house during a blackout. Only one can escape. They take a staircase to the second floor, a trapdoor on the left, then go up the ladder to the right, followed by a 28-foot slide to the basement through the mouth of a Giant Panda. In one corner of the murky cellar is a chainsaw, a dagger, a rope with a noose and an electric chair. Written on the wall in blood are the words, “Only one will survive – choose your death!” Bob takes the rope, Sarah picks up the dagger, John chooses the chainsaw and Luke uses the chair.

Who survives?

Luke, because there’s no power (it’s during a blackout).

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Cats Catching Mice

5 cats can catch 5 mice in 5 minutes. How many cats does it take to catch 100 mice in 100 minutes?

5 cats. The same five could keep catching 5 mice every 5 minutes for 100 minutes.

Posted in Brain Teasers

A Gentle Touch

What force and strength cannot get through,
I, with a gentle touch, can do.
And many in the street would stand,
were I not a friend at hand.

A key.

Posted in Riddles