I’m A Sifter

I’m a sifter of a memorable shape,
You can eat a variety of me, but I can be toxic,
I can cause severe pain if you’re not careful,
And the action I describe could hurt as well.

What am I?

A kidney.

Kidneys filter your blood and are shaped like kidney beans, which you can eat. Red kidney beans contains high amounts of phytohemagglutinin (quite the word, eh?) and can be toxic if not soaked and boiled. Kidney stones can be extremely painful and if a kid knees you in the stones, that would also be unpleasant.

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Characters In The Correct Order

Put the characters C D M L X in the correct order (not alphabetical).

X (10), L (50), C (100), D (500), M (1000). They’re Roman numerals in order from smallest to largest.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Never Stolen, Owned By All

I can never be stolen from you.
I am owned by everyone.
Some have more, some have less.

What am I?


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The Secret Lair

A secret lair has a code to only allow members to enter. The person wanting to enter says a random number, then is told a number in response. In order to enter they must say the correct third number. Here are sequences that allowed entrance.

1 3 5
27 11 6
9 4 4

What’s the third number of this series?

16 7 ?

Five because s-e-v-e-n has 5 letters. The first number can be anything, the second number is the number of letters in the first number, and the third number is the number of letters in the second number.

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One Tooth To Bite

One tooth to bite,
He’s the forest’s foe.
One tooth to fight,
As all Norse know.

What is it?

An axe.

Posted in Riddles

Copying Cassette Tapes

Joe and Andrea want to copy three 60-minute cassette tapes. They have a 2-cassette recorder to copy the tapes, allowing them to copy two tapes at a time. Each side takes 30 minutes to be copied, so two tapes can be copied in an hour and the third will take another hour. Andrea bets Joe she can copy all three tapes in 90 minutes. Does she win the bet?

In the first 30 minutes Andrea copies the A sides of tape 1 and 2.
In the second 30 minutes, she copies tape 1 side B and tape 3 side A (finishing Tape 1).
In the last 30 minutes, she copies tape 2 side B and tape 3 side B.

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I Hide In A Dark Tunnel

I hide in a dark tunnel awaiting my time.
I can only be released by pulling back.
Once released, I may do unspeakable damage.

A bullet.

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Paris to Roye

Hans made a meandering journey from Paris to Roye. On the first day, he went half of the distance. On the second day, he went one third of the remaining distance. On the third day he went three quarters of the remaining distance. The next day he traveled half of the remaining distance and was left with 5 kilometers to get to Roye. How far was the entire journey?

120 kilometers.

Hans’ trip went like this:

Day 1 – 60 km (60 km remaining)
Day 2 – 20 km (40 km remaining)
Day 3 – 30 km (10 km remaining)
Day 4 – 5 km (5 km remaining)
Day 5 – 5 km (arrives in Roye)

Posted in Brain Teasers

A Headless Kiss

What do you kiss that has a neck but no head?

A bottle.

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Goes With a Car

What goes with a car, comes with a car, is of no use to a car, but the car can’t move without it?

Noise. The engine is usually the main culprit, but even electric cars make some noise from the tires on the road.

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