Not Burned in Fire Nor Drowned in Water
What can’t be burned in a fire nor drowned in water?
Ice. It melts instead of burning in a fire and it floats in water.
Round Like An Apple
Round like an apple, deep like a cup,
yet all the king’s horses cannot pull it up.
A well.
Kings And Lords And Christians Raised Them
Kings and lords and christians raised them
Since they stand for higher powers
Yet few of them would stand, I’m certain,
If women ruled this world of ours.
A tower.
My Tines
My tines are long.
My tines are short.
My tines end ere
My first report.
What am I?
A lightning bolt.
I Can Always Go Up, Never Down
I can always go up, never down,
I can always turn left, never right,
I am always hot when I’m cold
A ski lift.
At The Sound Of Me, Men May Dream
At the sound of me, men may dream
Or stamp their feet
At the sound of me, women may laugh
Or sometimes weep
Sometimes I’m a Sphere
Sometimes I’m a sphere,
Sometimes I’m a banana,
And sometimes I’m not there at all.
What am I?
The moon. A full moon is a sphere, a crescent moon looks like a banana, and sometimes the moon is not visible at all.