The Potato Paradox

Fred brings home 100 pounds of potatoes, which (being purely mathematical potatoes) consist of 99 percent water. He then leaves them outside overnight so that they consist of 98 percent water. What is their new weight?

50 pounds.

100 lb of potatoes with 99% water weight means there’s 99 lb of water and 1 lb of solids, a 1:99 ratio.

If the water decreases to 98%, then the solids account for 2% of the weight. The 2:98 ratio reduces to 1:49. Since the solids still weigh 1 lb, the water must weigh 49 lb for a total of 50 lbs for the answer.

Read more at the Potato Paradox wikipedia page.

Posted in Brain Teasers

All Like Me Would Now Retire

I work hard most every day,
Not much time to dance and play,
If I could reach what I desire,
All like me would now retire.

What am I?

A doctor. They work hard to eradicate illness, but if they ever succeeded, they would no longer be needed. Hey, that even rhymed!

Posted in Riddles

Rarely Touched, Often Held

I’m rarely touched but often held and if you’re wise you’ll use me well. What am I?

Your tongue.

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Give Me Drink and I Die

Feed me and I live, give me drink and I die. What am I?


Posted in Riddles

The Cost of Household Hardware

A man went to the hardware store to buy items for his house.

1 would cost $.25
12 would cost $.50
122 would cost $.75

When he left the store he had spent $.75, what did he buy?

House numbers.

Posted in Riddles

Word Party

You watch a group of words going to a party. A word either enters through one of two doors or is turned away by the guards. ‘HIM’ goes through door number one and ‘BUG’ goes through door number two. ‘HER’ is turned away. ‘MINT’ and ‘WEAVE’ go in through door one, ‘DOOR’ and ‘CORD’ take door two and ‘THIS’ and ‘That’ aren’t allowed in.

What determines whether a word can enter and which door they must use?

Door number one is for words composed entirely of capital letters written using only straight lines, such as A, E, F, H, and I. The entire set of letters allowed through door number one are AEFHIKLMNTVWXYZ. Door number two, as might be expected, is for words with capital letters that have a curve, including BCDGJOPQRSU. Any words composed of both straight and curved letters (or lowercase letters) are not allowed in. The word ‘THAT’ would have been sent through door number one, if the letters had been capitalized.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Add More But Weigh Less

The 17 items in your shopping cart weigh 8 pounds. But when your daughter puts in a ball, poster board and yo-yo the shopping cart weighs less. How is that possible?

Your daughter had to get out of the cart to fit the remaining items.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Always Done On Purpose

Of all the things that are broken,
this makes the least noise
and is always done on purpose.


By Sef Daystrom

Posted in Riddles

A Perfect Gentleman

He was the perfect gentleman even though his nephew couldn’t see it. Who was he?

A fine chap with a blind nephew (or an exemplary uncle who died before his nephew was born).

Posted in Brain Teasers

The White Liquid

She awakes. I touch her and she moves her legs. We are both nervous but I continue. Finally the white liquid comes.

What happened?

Milking a cow.

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