Weight In My Belly

Weight in my belly,
Trees on my back,
Nails in my ribs,
Feet I do lack.

What am I?

A boat.

Posted in Riddles

A Big Pizza Pie

To get the most pizza, should you order two 12″ pizzas or one 18″ pie?

One 18″, with ~255 sumptuous square inches. Two 12″ pizzas would only give you ~226 square inches.

Note: The area of a circle is = πr2.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Instrument Can’t Be Touched Nor Seen

What instrument can make any sound and be heard but not touched or seen?

Your voice.

Posted in Riddles

Dividing Five Diamonds Equally

How can five people divide a bag of five diamonds equally without cutting them while still leaving one diamond remaining in the sack?

Give four of the lucky folks a diamond each, then give the fifth person the bag with the remaining diamond still inside.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Crazy Taxi Driver

A taxi driver runs through four red lights, two stop signs and goes through a house. A police officer witnesses this but doesn’t do anything. Why not?

The taxi driver is not in his cab, he’s out for a run. The house he went through was his own because he was done running.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Apple Rebus

What does this represent?


Apple pie. (pi is a mathematical constant of 3.14…)

Posted in Brain Teasers
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Job Hopping Jeremy

Jeremy was making $10 an hour at his summer job, but he hated the work. He decided to take a 50% pay cut to work at an easier job. He liked his new job at first, then grew bored and found another job paying 50% more than he was currently making. What was his hourly pay at the third job?

$7.50. If you guessed $10, don’t feel bad. Percentages can be counter intuitive.

First job: $10/hour
Second job: $10/hour – ($10 &times .5) = $5/hour
Third job: $5/hour + ($5 × .5) = $7.50

Posted in Brain Teasers

The Ants Go Marching

Three ants are walking in the same direction. The first ant has two ants behind him, the second ant has one in front and one behind, but the third ant has one in front and one behind too. How is this possible?

The ants are in a circle. Lets say the ants are A, B and C. A has has B and C behind him, B has A in front and C behind, and C has B in front and A behind.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Remove My Middle And Still I Remain

Begin with a word, five letters to my name,
Remove the first and last but I am the same
Take out my middle and still I remain.

What word am I?

Empty. (mpt, emty or mt depending on your interpretation)

Posted in Riddles

Tends To Overlook

I am something everybody tends to overlook, no matter how careful they are. What am I?

Your nose.

Posted in Riddles