Which Switch?

You are standing outside a closed door. On the other side of the door is a room that has three light bulbs in it. The room is completely sealed off from the outside. It has no windows and nothing can get in or out except through the door. On the outside of the room there are three light switches that control each of the respective light bulbs on the other side of the door.

Your assignment is to determine which light switch controls which light bulb. You are allowed to enter the room only once, and once you come out, you must be able to state with 100% certainty which light switch controls which light bulb.

Turn one light switch on, wait a few minutes, then turn it off and turn another light switch on. Go into the room and feel the light bulbs. The one that’s still warm is connected to the switch that you first turned on, the one that is on was the second switch you turned on, and the last bulb is controlled by the switch that you didn’t touch.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Typing With A Busted Keyboard

My keyboard isn’t working correctly, with vowels not appearing and the space bar only working now and again. What did we mean by the sentence below?



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Maya’s Stamps Errand

Maya’s mother asked her to buy some stamps. The available stamps were 3 cents, 9 cents, 11 cents, 17 cents and 21 cents. Her mother asked her to buy eight each of three stamps and nine of each of the remaining two stamps. Unfortunately, Maya forgot which stamps she was supposed to buy eight and nine of. Luckily, her mother had given her $5, the exact amount required to buy the stamps. Which stamps did she buy?

Eight of the 11 cent, 17 cent and 21 cent stamps and nine of the 3 cent and 9 cent stamps.

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Paris to Roye

Hans made a meandering journey from Paris to Roye. On the first day, he went half of the distance. On the second day, he went one third of the remaining distance. On the third day he went three quarters of the remaining distance. The next day he traveled half of the remaining distance and was left with 5 kilometers to get to Roye. How far was the entire journey?

120 kilometers.

Hans’ trip went like this:

Day 1 – 60 km (60 km remaining)
Day 2 – 20 km (40 km remaining)
Day 3 – 30 km (10 km remaining)
Day 4 – 5 km (5 km remaining)
Day 5 – 5 km (arrives in Roye)

Posted in Brain Teasers

Not Flesh, Feather, Scales Nor Bone

We are not flesh, feather, scales nor bone;
Yet we still have fingers and thumbs of our own.

What are we?

Gloves. They’re not made of flesh, feather, scales or bone, but have fingers and thumbs.

Posted in Riddles

I Have An Eye But Cannot See

I have an eye but cannot see.
I’m faster than any man alive and have no limbs.

What am I?

A tornado or a hurricane. The calm area in the middle of such a storm is called the eye and wind speeds can reach up to 300 mph in an extreme tornado. Neither one have any arms or legs, but that doesn’t stop them from moving, does it?

Posted in Riddles

Leaving Home

A man leaves home, turns left, goes straight, turns left again, goes straight and turns left once more then returns home and there’s another man with a mask on. What’s going on?

A baseball game.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Betcha Find a Chocolate

Laura saw that there were three pieces of candy left in a bowl on the kitchen table. She knew they were either chocolates or caramels but didn’t know how many there were of each. What is the probability that there is a piece of chocolate candy in the bowl?


The possible combinations are:
1. Chocolate Chocolate Chocolate
2. Caramel Caramel Caramel
3. Chocolate Chocolate Caramel
4. Caramel Caramel Chocolate
5. Chocolate Caramel Caramel
6. Caramel Chocolate Chocolate
7. Chocolate Caramel Chocolate
8. Caramel Chocolate Caramel

Number 2 is the only one that doesn’t have chocolate, thus Laura’s love of chocolate will more than likely be satiated.

Posted in Brain Teasers


A A D F J J J M M N ?

What comes next in the series?

O S. The series contains the first letter of each month in alphabetical order (April, August, December, February, January, July, June, March, May, November). O and S represent the remaining 2 months, October and September.

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TMC Rebus


What goes up, must come down.

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