I Live in Water

I live in water
If you cut my head I’m at your door,
If you cut my tail I’m fruit,
If you cut both I’m with you

What am I?

A pearl. They’re found underwater. Removing the head (p) leaves Earl, a guy who could be at your door. Removing the tail (l) leaves pear, a fruit and if you cut both off you’re left with ear, which is with you because it’s attached to your head.

Posted in Riddles


1 Comment on "I Live in Water"

ansh says
November 30, 2015 @ 21:21

A pearl. They’re found underwater. Removing the head (p) leaves Earl, a guy who could be at your door. Removing the tail (l) leaves pear, a fruit and if you cut both off you’re left with ear, which is with you because it’s attached to your head.

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