Singular When Adding an S

There are many English words that you can add an “s” to make it plural. But far fewer words become singular when you add an “s”. What are two examples of these much rarer words?

Cares -> Caress
Princes -> Princess

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What does this rebus represent?


A fork in the road.

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Twice Four and Twenty Blackbirds

Twice four and twenty blackbirds sitting in the rain.
I shot and killed a quarter of them. How many do remain?

After shooting a quarter of the birds, the rest would fly off, so the remaining birds, brutally shot by you, would be:

(2 × (4 + 20)) / 4 = 12

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One Sunday to Seven Saturday

1. Sunday
2. Monday
3. Tuesday
4. Wednesday
5. Thursday
6. Friday
7. Saturday

What phrase does this represent?

Days are numbered. Commonly used to say someone or something is going to end soon.

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What are the next five letters in this sequence?
Hint: Think back to childhood rhymes.

AJCTA. These are the first letters from the nursery rhyme, “Jack and Jill Went Up The Hill”. AJCTA represents, “and Jill came tumbling after”.

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Julian and Penelope’s Marriage Ages

When Julian and Penelope met, one was half the others age plus seven years. Ten years later when they married, Penelope was thirty, but this time one was nine tenths the age of the other. How old was Julian? (No fractions or partial years, whole numbers only).

Julian was 27 when Penelope was 30.

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Find the Three Mammals

The largest crowd at the flea market came looking for bargains.
I took off the peel and ate the banana.
He has no judgement, no sense altogether.

Find the three mammals in these statements.

1. Camel (CAME Looking)
2. Eland (peEL AND)
3. Seal (senSE ALtogether)

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Decorating With Tiles

You are decorating for spring and you’ve found a bargain. A huge box of beautifully decorated tiles, enough to provide a border in two rooms. You really can’t figure out how to arrange them. If you set a border of two tiles all around, there’s one left over. If you set three tiles all around or four or five or six there’s still one tile left over. Finally you try a block of seven tiles for each corner and you come out even. What is the smallest number of tiles you could have to get this result?

301. This is the smallest number that even divides by 7, but when divided by 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 gives you one left over.

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Ex-Spouse’s Former Daughter-In-Law

What do you call your ex-spouse’s former daughter-in-law’s first husband’s daughter?

You can call them whatever you want, but they have no familial relationship to you.

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Ten Men and Women

TEN = 20, 5, 14
MEN = 13, 5, 14

What do WOMEN equal using the same logic?

WOMEN = 23, 15, 13, 5, 14

The number is the letter’s position in the alphabet.

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