A One Letter Change
At my start I last a mere eleven days,
But change one letter and I’m over 31 years.
What am I?
One million seconds (about 11 1/2 days).
Change the “m” to a “b” to get one billion seconds (about 31.7 years).
It’s rather surprising that a million seconds and a billion seconds differ by such a large duration.
Posted in Riddles
3 Comments on "A One Letter Change"
NB says
January 4, 2019 @ 11:33
Hardly ‘surprising’ one is 1000x longer ! ?
Hi there says
August 26, 2020 @ 23:45
NB – It’s because we use them interchangeably – ‘it lasted a million years’/’it lasted a billion years’. That makes it kind of weird that they are different. Big numbers like that, when you really think about them, are mindboggling.
Riddler says
January 23, 2021 @ 06:32
I dont think most people will get it right(i did not gat it right)
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