Doesn’t Fly Even With Wings
I have four wings but cannot fly,
I’ve never laughed nor will ever cry,
As much as I’d love to leave the ground,
I toil away with nary a sound.
What am I?
A windmill. The typical windmill, like the ones Don Quixote chased, have four vanes or sails. You might even say they look like wings. Windmills don’t have emotions, so they can’t laugh or cry. And since they don’t have actual wings, windmills don’t get off the ground. A well-oiled little bugger won’t make a peep.
The More There Is The Less You See
The more there is the less you see. What is it?
Darkness. There more darkness there is, the less you can see.
To Make In a Burning House
I am the best thing to make if you’re in a burning house. And you’d better make me quickly before the fire’s too hot to take.
Haste. You need to make haste to get out of the burning house as soon as possible.
Cut But Never Eaten
What is put on a table and cut but never eaten?
A deck of cards. You put the cards on the table to play, and you cut the cards to mix them up, but you don’t eat them. Flowers is another possible answer.