A Red Drum

A red drum which sounds
Without being touched,
And grows silent,
When it is touched.

What is it?

Your heart.

Posted in Riddles

Odd Start, Even Finish

What three letter English word has an odd start, an even finish and an infinitely long middle?

The word vex. “v” is Roman numeral 5, which is odd. “x” is Roman numeral 10, which is even. “e” is the base of the natural logarithm and is irrational (e = 2.718281828…). Its mantissa (the part to the right of the decimal point) is infinitely long.

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A Human with Five Hands

How can a human have five hands?

In addition to the two hands on the end of their arms, they also have three hands of cards. Another alternative could be handwriting, of which most people have one, but that could be added into the mix.

Posted in Riddles

I Can Always Go Up, Never Down

I can always go up, never down,
I can always turn left, never right,
I am always hot when I’m cold

A ski lift.

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Against the Rules for You to Play Fair

It’s against the rules for you to play fair,
I always win but you don’t care,
I’ve ruined lives and crushed dreams,
But the allure is too much it seems.

What am I?

A casino. If you use methods to make the odds more fair to you, they kick you out. The house always wins, yet people continue to play. Gambling has ruined countless lives and crushed dreams of making millions, but the hope of winning continues to draw people in.

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Yellow Rock into a Purple Stream

What happens when you throw a yellow rock into a purple stream?

It makes a splash.

Posted in Riddles

Rooms One Score and Six

This house holds rooms, one score and six,
That shelter a vast mob.
It lets lions lie down with the lambs,
Yet makes both shun the slob.

None now will nestle with nicks and nates,
While reams room near the rear.
Though you and I have separate rooms
Both our bottles brim with beer.

The king and queen can never mate
(Though hands and hearts hobnob)
Because their rooms are separate
If this jail does its job.

What house is this that rules thus
Forcing faith to fend with fear?
The answer to this riddle lies
With dead and dying here.

A dictionary.

Posted in Riddles

Pronounced As One Letter, Written With Three

Pronounced as one letter,
And written with three,
Two letters there are,
And two only in me.
I’m double, I’m single,
I’m black, blue, and gray,
I’m read from both ends,
And the same either way.

What am I?

Eye. It’s pronounced like the letter ‘i’, but written with three letters. There are only two letters used (‘e’ and ‘y’). The eye is double with two ‘e’s and represents a single eye. The eye is made up of various colors, some of which are black, blue and gray. And lastly, the eye is a palindrome, spelled the same forward and backward.

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I Generate Fear But Am Quiet As A Mouse

I can generate fear and some say I come out of your ears. I’m quiet as a mouse but not welcomed in the house.


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A Home But No Family

I have an end but no beginning, a home but no family, a space without room. I never speak but there is no word I cannot make. What am I?

A keyboard.

Posted in Riddles