Slice My Head

You use a knife to slice my head and weep beside me when I’m dead.

An onion.

Posted in Riddles

Part Of The Bird

The part of the bird
that is not in the sky,
which can swim in the ocean
and always stay dry.

What is it?

The bird’s shadow.

Posted in Riddles

Bowl That Can’t Be Filled

I am as round and deep as a bowl, but all the world’s water couldn’t fill me up. What am I?

A sieve.

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First One, Then I Seem None

First I am one, then I seem none,
In death I birth new life.
What’s raised exceeds me,
For on bent knee,
I add to a world that’s rife.

What am I?

A seed. One seed turns into a plant or tree and seemingly disappears. When a plant dies, the seeds can be harvested to create new plants. From a single seed, hundreds more are created, vastly exceeding the original. Gardeners care for plants on bent knee and each new plant helps make the air fresher.

Posted in Riddles

Go in Dry, Come Out Wet

I go in dry and come out wet,
The longer I’m in, the stronger it will get.

What am I?

A tea bag or cement.

Posted in Riddles


What is significant about the following set of letters?


They are the only letters in the alphabet that are not found at the beginning of the name of a state in the United States of America. The rest of the letters in the alphabet, namely ACDFGHIKLMNOPRSTUVW, start the name of at least one state. Incidentally, eight different states each start with the letters M and N, tying them for the most states starting with a particular letter. The next highest is a three-way tie between A, I and W with four each.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Inscribed On My Face

Marking mortal privation when what’s under me is in place.
An enduring summation, inscribed on my face.

What am I?

A tombstone (or gravestone, headstone, monument, you get the idea).

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Largest Product

Using all the digits from 1 to 7, what two numbers have the largest product? For example, 1234 x 567 = 699678 but you can do much better than that.

742 x 6531 = 4,846,002.

A similar problem can be found in L.A. Graham’s Ingenious Mathematical Problems and Methods with a range of 1 to 9, but the principle remains the same – the numbers with the smallest difference produce the largest product. You start out with the highest two digits, 7 and 6, then attach 5 and 4, putting the smaller of the two digits with the larger number, giving you 74 and 65. The next two highest digits are 3 and 2, giving you 742 and 653. Finally, you add the 1 to the lower number. Page 80 has the details of that solution.

Posted in Brain Teasers

A Metal Roof and a Glass Wall

I have a metal roof and a glass wall,
I burn and burn but never fall.

What am I?

A lantern.

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Debbie’s Dragster

Debbie starts driving her dragster from rest and constantly accelerates to 60 mph in 10 seconds. How far does she travel in those 10 seconds?

1/12 mile

Ten seconds is 1/6 of a minute and 1 minute is 1/60 of an hour, so 10 seconds is 1/360 of an hour.

If you graph her trip with the speed on the y-axis and the time on the x-axis, you get a triangle with height of 60 mph and width of 1/360 of an hour. To calculate the area of the triangle, you multiply 1/2 × 1/360 × 60 = 1/12.

Posted in Brain Teasers