Cracked, Made, Told and Played
It can be cracked,
It can be made,
It can be told,
It can be played.
What is it?
A joke.
Posted in Riddles
Different Sizes, Colors and Shapes
What comes in different sizes, colors and shapes but creates a larger whole?
A jigsaw puzzle piece.
Posted in Riddles
Subtract One and Twelve Remains
A word I know, six letters it contains, subtract just one and twelve remains.
Dozens, dozen.
Posted in Riddles
Bowl That Can’t Be Filled
I am as round and deep as a bowl, but all the world’s water couldn’t fill me up. What am I?
A sieve.
Posted in Riddles
A Cowboy Rides Into Town On Friday
A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days and leaves on Friday. How did he do it?
The horse’s name is Friday
Posted in Riddles
What Do You Serve?
What do you serve that a polite recipient would immediately send back?
A ball, when you’re playing tennis, volleyball, table tennis, etc.
Posted in Riddles