Cracked, Made, Told and Played

It can be cracked,
It can be made,
It can be told,
It can be played.

What is it?

A joke.

Posted in Riddles

Different Sizes, Colors and Shapes

What comes in different sizes, colors and shapes but creates a larger whole?

A jigsaw puzzle piece.

Posted in Riddles

Subtract One and Twelve Remains

A word I know, six letters it contains, subtract just one and twelve remains.

Dozens, dozen.

Posted in Riddles

Bowl That Can’t Be Filled

I am as round and deep as a bowl, but all the world’s water couldn’t fill me up. What am I?

A sieve.

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A Cowboy Rides Into Town On Friday

A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days and leaves on Friday. How did he do it?

The horse’s name is Friday

Posted in Riddles

A Blarmy Bridge

A boat full of people goes under a bridge and when it comes out the other side not a single person is on it. How can this be?

All the passengers are married.

Posted in Brain Teasers

What Do You Serve?

What do you serve that a polite recipient would immediately send back?

A ball, when you’re playing tennis, volleyball, table tennis, etc.

Posted in Riddles

100 Less Than 99

Where do you find that 100 is less than 99?

On a microwave. Most microwaves will run for a minute if you enter 100, but will run for a minute and 39 seconds if you enter 99.

100 is also less than 99 in an ordered ranking, where 1 is first, and 100th is a lower rank than 99th place.

Posted in Brain Teasers


What does this represent?


The odds are against you. All of the odd single-digit numbers are lined up next to the letter u, representing the word you.

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Cornelius and the Flat Tire

Cornelius got a flat tire on a miserable, rainy day. As he was changing it on the side of the road, he placed the four lug nuts in the overturned hub cap. As our dear friend was moving back to put on the spare, he accidentally bumped the hub cap. He watched helplessly as all four lug nuts rolled into a deep sewer and were whisked away. Then our friend had a brilliant solution and within minutes was driving safely away.

What was his solution?

He removed one lug nut from each of the other 3 tires and used them to secure the spare tire, then drove to a tire shop.

Posted in Brain Teasers