Two Eights and Two Threes to Make Twenty Four

Using one or more addition, subtraction, multiplication or division operations, what formula using the numbers 3, 3, 8 and 8 equals 24?

8 ÷ (3 – (8 ÷ 3)) = 24

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What does this represent?


Made in china. The word “made” is wedged between the word “china” (chi-na)

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Everybody Does At The Same Time

What is it that everybody does at the same time?

Grow older.

Posted in Riddles

The More There Is The Less You See

The more there is the less you see. What is it?


Darkness.  There more darkness there is, the less you can see.

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Painting a Bigger Room

A painter needed 3 days to paint a room. How long would it take him, working at the same rate, to paint a room twice as large (twice the width and twice the height)?

12 days because the walls would be four times as big as the first room.

If the walls are 10 ft x 10 ft, then each wall has 100 square feet. Adding the four walls makes 400 square feet to paint. Doubling the width and height of the walls to 20 ft x 20 ft means each wall is now 400 square feet, for a total of 1600 square feet to paint. 1600 ft is four times 400 square feet, thus if it took him 3 days to paint 400 square feet, it will take 12 days (or four times as much) to paint 1600 square feet.

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Blame the Couple

A married couple is traveling by bus on dangerous mountain roads. Midway through their journey the bus stops for snacks and a restroom break. The couple is enjoying the postcards in the store when the bus driver curtly tells them it’s past time to leave. Fifteen minutes after, the bus is hit by a mud slide and two people are killed. The couple blames themselves for the deaths. Why?

They blame themselves because they caused the bus to be late. If they had been on time, the bus would have already passed the location of the mud slide.

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The Same Forward, Backwards or Upside Down

What word can be written forward, backward or upside down while still remaining the same word?


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Plane Crash

A plane with 50 passengers crashes and everyone is killed, but there were only 49 bodies. How is this possible?

Two of the passengers were siamese twins.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Stocking the Shelves

Alfred and Bill are clerks at the local grocery store. Alfred can stock a shelf in 20 minutes, but Bill is new and takes 30 minutes. How long would it take for them to stock a shelf together?

Working together they can stock a shelf at a rate of 1/20 + 1/30 (or 5/60) per minute. They’ll finish in 12 minutes

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As I went over London Bridge

As I went over London Bridge
I met my sister Jenny
I broke her neck and drank her blood
And left her standing empty

A bottle of gin.

Posted in Riddles