Loses Its Head Every Morning

What loses its head every morning only to get it back every night?

A pillow.

Posted in Riddles

In Times Of War He Burns Asunder

Man walks over, man walks under,
In times of war he burns asunder.

What is it?

A bridge.

Posted in Riddles

Highest Number Without the Letter N?

What is the highest regular counting number that is spelled without the use of the letter “N”? (No numbers like Googolplex or Graham’s number)

Eighty-eight. From then on, they all have the letter “N”.

Posted in Brain Teasers

I’m Yours, But Used More By Others

I belong to you, but am used more by others.

What am I?

Your name. It could also be your phone number.

Posted in Riddles


What does this mean?


In-laws. The word in is found inside the word laws.

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Groups of Creatures

These are names given to groups of creatures or things, but they have been scrambled. What is the correct arrangement?

Colony of Birds
Horde of Spiders
Den of Wild Pigs
Clutter of Crows
Nest of Snakes
Park of Elks
Doylt of Ferrets
Gang of Machine Guns
Business of Swine
Volery of Artillery
Hover of Gnats
Drift of Frogs

Colony of Frogs
Horde of Gnats
Den of Snakes
Clutter of Spiders
Nest of Machine Guns
Park of Artillery
Doylt of Swine
Gang of Elks
Business of Ferrets
Volery of Birds
Hover of Crows
Drift of Wild Pigs

Posted in Brain Teasers

Who Is Silent In Parliament?

Who is silent in Parliament?

The letter i, which is the only silent letter in the word Parliament.

Posted in Riddles

Sometimes I’m An Insult

Sometimes I’m an insult,
Sometimes I’m a meal,
But if you see me hanging around,
I hope to change how you feel.

A turkey.

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Not Seen Nor Felt

It cannot be seen, cannot be felt,
Cannot be heard, cannot be smelt.
It lies behind stars and under hills,
And empty holes it fills.
It comes first and follows after,
Ends life, kills laughter.

The darkness.

Posted in Riddles

Shave Everyday

I can shave everyday but my beard will stay. Who am I?

A barber.

Posted in Riddles