Many Foods Make Me Strong

Many foods can make me strong but give me water and I won’t last long. What am I?


Posted in Riddles

Alphabetized Letters

What well known series can these alphabetized letters be rearranged to form?


Alpha, beta, gamma, delta

Posted in Brain Teasers

Groups of Creatures

These are names given to groups of creatures or things, but they have been scrambled. What is the correct arrangement?

Colony of Birds
Horde of Spiders
Den of Wild Pigs
Clutter of Crows
Nest of Snakes
Park of Elks
Doylt of Ferrets
Gang of Machine Guns
Business of Swine
Volery of Artillery
Hover of Gnats
Drift of Frogs

Colony of Frogs
Horde of Gnats
Den of Snakes
Clutter of Spiders
Nest of Machine Guns
Park of Artillery
Doylt of Swine
Gang of Elks
Business of Ferrets
Volery of Birds
Hover of Crows
Drift of Wild Pigs

Posted in Brain Teasers

Weight In My Belly

Weight in my belly,
Trees on my back,
Nails in my ribs,
Feet I do lack.

What am I?

A boat.

Posted in Riddles

I Am A Word Of Meanings Three

I am a word of meanings three.
Three ways of spelling me there be.
The first is an odour, a smell if you will.
The second some money, but not in a bill.
The third is past tense, a method of passing things on or around.

Can you tell me now, what these words are, that have the same sound?

Scent, cent, sent.

Posted in Riddles

Whoever makes it, tells it not.

Whoever makes it, tells it not.
Whoever takes it, knows it not.
Whoever knows it, wants it not

Counterfeit money or poison.

Posted in Riddles

A Cowboy Rides Into Town On Friday

A cowboy rides into town on Friday, stays for three days and leaves on Friday. How did he do it?

The horse’s name is Friday

Posted in Riddles

No Ears and More Than One Eye

I have no ears, but more than one eye,
Cut me in half, I won’t cry,
Leave me alone and I will die.

What am I?

A potato. The roots growing out of a potato are called eyes, when you cut a potato in half it doesn’t produce any moisture and if you leave a poor potato to its own devices, it will die.

Posted in Riddles

Tongue Can’t Taste, Throat Can’t Swallow

What has a tongue that can’t taste, a throat that can’t swallow, eyes that can’t see and a soul that will never die?

A shoe. It has a tongue, a throat, eyes (or eyelets) and a sole. I used soul here or else it would have given the answer away, but this riddle works best when told rather than read. And as the joke goes, old shoes never die, they just lose their sole.

Posted in Riddles

I Will Stomp You If You Get In My Way

I roam through the land hoping to rescue my love. I search high and low and will stomp on you if you get in my way. What am I?

Mario, from Super Mario Brothers video game by Nintendo. He roams the land searching for the princess and his primary method of getting rid of folks is to stomp on them.

Thanks to Rowan for figuring this out.

Posted in Riddles