Take Away All My Letters

Take away my first letter,
Take away my second letter,
Take away all my letters,
and I remain the same.

What am I?

A mail carrier. Even when there aren’t any letters left to deliver, they’re job is still the mail carrier.

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You Twirl My Body

You twirl my body but I keep my head up high.
When I go in I keep things tight.

What am I?

A screw.

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Forever Stuck

I can’t go right,
I can’t go left.

I’m forever stuck going only up and down.

What am I?

An elevator.

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When I Point Up It’s Bright

When I point up, it’s bright.
When I point down, it’s dark.

What am I?

A light switch

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I Am a Protector

I am a protector.
I sit on a bridge.
One person can see right through me.
Others wonder what I hide.

What am I?


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I Wave But Never Say Goodbye

I wave my hands at you,
But I never say goodbye.

You’re always cool with me,
Even cooler when I’m high.

What am I?

An electric fan

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A Treasure to Many

A necessity to some, a treasure to many,
I’m best enjoyed among pleasant company.
Some like me hot, some like me cold.
Some prefer mild, some like me bold.

What am I?


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I Come in the Form of a Question

I come in the form of a question. If you don’t know the answers, you will think a lot, but when you know or you are being told the answer it sounds simple that you will think everybody can easily know.

A riddle or brain teaser.

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Hot My Entire Life

I have been hot my entire life. Put me in water or in a freezer for days and I will still be hot. My red color should tell you but don’t be deceived, even when I’m green, I’m still hot. What am I?

A red or green laser. Red and green pepper also works.

Technically, the laser beam itself isn’t hot, but lasers can heat up what they’re shining on.

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Shave Everyday

I can shave everyday but my beard will stay. Who am I?

A barber.

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