Make This Addition Problem Correct

This math problem is currently wrong.

11 + 66 + 88 + 96 = 294

How can you make it actually equal 294?

Flip the numbers upside down:

11 + 99 + 88 + 96 = 294

Posted in Brain Teasers


4 Comments on "Make This Addition Problem Correct"

Silvy says
May 4, 2017 @ 20:57

Um…. Actually, for this to work it should be
11 + 66 + 88 + 69 = 294

Because if you flip 11 + 66 + 88 + 96
You get:
Which equals 267.

Dan says
May 5, 2017 @ 21:16

Write down 96, then flip it upside down. It’s still 96.

AL says
November 1, 2019 @ 02:32

A nice solution is also swapping the last 6 and the last 9:
getting twin numbers before the equal sign.

Joey says
June 19, 2021 @ 09:08

simple. Nothing Happens.

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