The answer IS a towel!
Nice work, all of you! Well,,,,, except the people who looked at the answer,,,, they don’t win anything!!
Next riddle: what breaks but does not fall, and falls, but does not break?
Hypothetically speaking of course!
It’s a towel because the more you use a towel the Wetter is Gets because the towel is meant to Absorb the Water/liquid while your using it to make you or the Object dry. So the answer is a Towel.
It’s a towel because the more you use a towel the Wetter is Gets because the towel is meant to Absorb the Water/liquid while your using it to make you or the Object dry. So the answer is a Towel.
I think the riddle is searching for one object that is getting wetter as it dries, so the reason the answer is the towel because it dries a person or whatever, is wrong imo. That way the answer could be a sponge, a rag, or anythnig that absorbs liquid. I agree with Ozzy because ice is the only logical answer. Or maybe the riddle doesnt make sense. If the answer is towel, that this is the easiest riddle known to mankind.
The question was taken from amazon riddles, I guess, there they gave answer as towel so all so called intellectuals started proving that answer as correct because no one has the courage to question the one who had asked.
You guys forgot to see there is another option given as clouds. Now what’s the difference between dry and wet? Offcourse, the moisture content, right???
Now if clouds loose moisture, its surface will get wet because that moisture turns to liquid form of water, so more the clouds loose moisture more wet will be the clouds as clouds is a form of ice.
All those who think answer is towel because it dries other while getting wet by itself, need to read it again or need to learn the basic principles of english and learn the proper use of “while”. Your answer would be correct if sentence says, “when it dries” not “while it dries”. Also dries was wrong, correct word would be “drys” there, so “while it drys” may be correct sentence for “towel” as answer.
48 Comments on "What Gets Wetter As It Dries?"
Laura says
May 14, 2018 @ 16:40
A towel makes sense?? it took me a minute to figure this out
Me says
June 16, 2018 @ 13:13
It a towel makes sense cuz more u use it wetter It get while it drying
percy says
September 4, 2018 @ 02:32
I don’t get any sense in the answer.
That guy says
September 16, 2018 @ 00:27
The answer IS a towel!
Nice work, all of you! Well,,,,, except the people who looked at the answer,,,, they don’t win anything!!
Next riddle: what breaks but does not fall, and falls, but does not break?
Hypothetically speaking of course!
Brandon Pingao says
November 21, 2018 @ 00:22
It’s a towel because the more you use a towel the Wetter is Gets because the towel is meant to Absorb the Water/liquid while your using it to make you or the Object dry. So the answer is a Towel.
vio says
December 12, 2018 @ 12:00
should be cactus
Ozzy says
January 2, 2019 @ 00:59
Should be ice, as it dries it melts and therefore gets wetter
Brian says
January 3, 2019 @ 17:18
Night and day
Abeid says
January 8, 2019 @ 05:30
Insane says
February 11, 2019 @ 04:00
Brandon Pingao says
March 29, 2019 @ 10:00
It’s a towel because the more you use a towel the Wetter is Gets because the towel is meant to Absorb the Water/liquid while your using it to make you or the Object dry. So the answer is a Towel.
a person just for riddles says
May 8, 2019 @ 08:06
the sun coz once it gets wet it never get dry XD
Genius says
July 9, 2019 @ 15:31
It is a towel but everyone’s reasons are wrong , the towel gets wet while it also is drying the person using it so it gets wet as it dries you.
Mateo says
July 15, 2019 @ 04:43
I think the riddle is searching for one object that is getting wetter as it dries, so the reason the answer is the towel because it dries a person or whatever, is wrong imo. That way the answer could be a sponge, a rag, or anythnig that absorbs liquid. I agree with Ozzy because ice is the only logical answer. Or maybe the riddle doesnt make sense. If the answer is towel, that this is the easiest riddle known to mankind.
Have a nice day.
Robot says
December 28, 2019 @ 01:06
The question was taken from amazon riddles, I guess, there they gave answer as towel so all so called intellectuals started proving that answer as correct because no one has the courage to question the one who had asked.
You guys forgot to see there is another option given as clouds. Now what’s the difference between dry and wet? Offcourse, the moisture content, right???
Now if clouds loose moisture, its surface will get wet because that moisture turns to liquid form of water, so more the clouds loose moisture more wet will be the clouds as clouds is a form of ice.
All those who think answer is towel because it dries other while getting wet by itself, need to read it again or need to learn the basic principles of english and learn the proper use of “while”. Your answer would be correct if sentence says, “when it dries” not “while it dries”. Also dries was wrong, correct word would be “drys” there, so “while it drys” may be correct sentence for “towel” as answer.
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