Five Three Two

What is the answer to the last equation?

5 3 2 = 151012
9 2 4 = 183662
8 6 3 = 482466
5 4 5 = 202504
7 2 5 = ?

10000 × (x × y) + 100 × (x × z) + transpose_digits(x × y + y × z)

transpose_digits() just swaps the digits

Posted in Brain Teasers


1 Comment on "Five Three Two"

Sushien Garg says
March 14, 2017 @ 15:26


A*b=first two digits
A*c=middle two digits
(A+c)*b and then reverse the two digits youll get the last two digits

7+5=12*2=24 change 42


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