I Am Both Safe and Secure
As a whole, I am both safe and secure.
Behead me, I become a place of meeting.
Behead me again, I am the partner of ready.
Restore me, I become the domain of beasts.
Stable. A table is a place of meeting. Able and ready is a common phrase, and a stable is where beasts reside (beasts of burden, not beasts like the one in Beauty and the Beast who lived in a glorious castle but the west wing was forbidden to enter until Belle…I’ve said too much!).
Thought Rebus
What does this represent?
but thought thought
But on second thought.
Loses Its Head Every Morning
What loses its head every morning only to get it back every night?
A pillow.
Whelming Rebus
What does this represent?
1 3 5 7 9 ----------- WHELMING
Overwhelming odds.
The Most Impressive Boundary
The most impressive boundary’s not a wall.
It’s not a manufactured thing at all.
Moving towards it won’t reduce the gap
and nothing marks its presence on a map.
The horizon.
By Sef Daystrom
Twist and Dance
I love to twist and dance.
Though wingless, I fly high in the sky.
What am I?
A kite.
The Thinner It Grows
You use me from your head to your toes.
The more you use the thinner it grows.
For years I was not often used,
Not using me now is not excused.
What I Embrace I Destroy
My first two letters say my name.
My last letter asks a question.
What I embrace I destroy.
What am I?
Ivy. IV is pronounced ivy, y is pronounced why and fast growing ivy can smother and kill trees, shrubs and grass.