How Much Dirt?

How much dirt is there in a hole that measures two feet by three feet by four feet?

None. A hole doesn’t have any dirt.

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esroh gnidir

What does this represent?

esroh gnidir

Horse back riding. The words are horse and riding spelled backwards.

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What does this represent?


Made in china. The word “made” is wedged between the word “china” (chi-na)

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Secure Spy Transfer

You are a spy and need to send an item to a contact in another country without letting anyone else have access to it. All unlocked items will be opened in transit. How can you send this item securely?

Place a lock on the item and send it to your contact. They will place their own lock on the package and return it to you. You remove your lock and send it back. When they receive it, they can unlock the package and retrieve the item.

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What is this phrase? XQQQME

Excuse me. Literally, x + q’s + me.

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What does this represent?


Banana split. It’s the word banana, and it’s split apart.

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The Ants Go Marching

Three ants are walking in the same direction. The first ant has two ants behind him, the second ant has one in front and one behind, but the third ant has one in front and one behind too. How is this possible?

The ants are in a circle. Lets say the ants are A, B and C. A has has B and C behind him, B has A in front and C behind, and C has B in front and A behind.

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Cats and Kittens But No Mittens

Six men are carrying boxes holding six cats and each cat has 6 kittens. How many legs are there in total?

1020. There are 6 men with 2 legs each, for a total of 12 legs.
There are 36 cats with 4 legs each for a total of 144 legs.
There are 216 kittens with 4 legs each for a total of 864 legs
12 + 144 + 864 = 1020.

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Lucky Number Seven

How is 7 different from the rest of the numbers from 1-10?

7 (seven) is the only one with two syllables.

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Animals On the Ark

How many of each animal did Moses take on the ark?

None. Moses didn’t have an ark, Noah did (and yes, he took 2 of each animal).

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