Amber Knits and Fauna Worry

Find a single letter that replaces the first letter in the two words of each row to make two new words. What word is formed by combining the new letter of each row?

For example: PLANK _ BRISK

The new letter is F, making FLANK and FRISK. And F would be the first letter of the answer.


1. U – UMBER and UNITS
2. S – SAUNA and SORRY
3. E – EARNS and EERIE
4. D – DEMUR and DAILY

The new word is USED.

Posted in Brain Teasers

The Letters of Man

Using only the letters in MAN to fill in the blanks, make normal, uncapitalized words.

1. _ _ O _ G
2. R _ _ D O _
3. _ _ R I _ _
4. E _ P _ _ _ D _
5. C I _ _ _ _ O _
6. P _ _ O R _ _ _
7. _ _ I _ L _ _ D
8. _ R _ _ _ E _ T


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Born In December

Dustin was born on December 28th yet his birthday always falls in the summer. How is this possible?

Dustin is Australian, where the three hottest summer months are December, January and February.

Posted in Brain Teasers

Before Mount Everest

Before Mt. Everest was discovered, what was the tallest mountain in the world?

Still Mount Everest. Just because it wasn’t discovered didn’t make it any smaller.

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Lying On Certain Days of the Week

Angel lies on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays but tells the truth the rest of the week.

Brenda lies on Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, but tells the truth every other day.

Angel says, “Yesterday I was lying.”

Brenda replies, “So was I.”

What day was it?


Putting the information in a table makes it easier to solve. We’ll use A for Angie, B for Brenda, T for truth and F (false) for lying.

  S M T W Th F S

To begin with, there aren’t any days where both of them told the truth and lied the day before, so we know one of them must be lying.

So we have two options, either Angel is lying or Brenda is.

Option 1. Angel is lying.

In order for this to be the case, she needs to be lying today and telling the truth yesterday, so we need two days in a row with T F. And if Brenda is telling the truth, she would need two days with F T. That means we’re looking for two days that have

Angie:  T F
Brenda: F T

Option 2. Brenda is lying.

This is just the reverse of the above, so we need to find:

Angie:  F T
Brenda: T F

The only day that matches either of the two options is Thursday, and it’s option 2. Brenda is the liar.

Posted in Brain Teasers

An Abandoned Aquarium

There is an abandoned aquarium in an empty house. The aquarium has three large fish and three small fish. But after a week, one large fish and two small fish die.

How many remain in the aquarium?

Six, since no one is there to remove the 3 dead fish.

Posted in Brain Teasers

The Empty Pocket

How can your pants pocket be empty but still have something in it?

It has a hole. The hole is the thing (although it could be argued a pocket has air, darkness or dust and so on).

Posted in Brain Teasers

Sharing Apples

How do you share 15 apples evenly with 16 people?

Make applesauce.

Posted in Brain Teasers

By Odin’s Beard

Some came from the Sun and Moon,
Others from Thor and his hammer are hewn,

By Odin’s beard, and Frigg and Tiw,
The last is Saturn, from which we grew.

What are we?

They are the origins of the names of each day of the week.

Sunday – Sun day.
Monday – Moon day.
Tuesday – Tiw’s or Týr’s day, the god of single combat, son of Odin.
Wednesday – Woden’s or Odin’s day, god of poetry and of the dead.
Thursday – Thor’s day, god of thunder, son of Odin.
Friday – Frigg’s day, goddess of the clouds, wife of Odin.
Saturday – Saturn’s day, god of fertility and agriculture.

Posted in Brain Teasers

How Are These Countries Ordered?

How are these countries ordered?

1. Canada
2. Indonesia
3. Russia
4. Philippines
5. Japan
6. Australia
7. Norway
8. United States
9. New Zealand
10. China

By kilometers of coastline (according to the CIA World Factbook).

1. Canada – 202,080 km / 125,567 mi
2. Indonesia – 54,716 km / 33,998 mi
3. Russia – 37,653 km / 23,396 mi
4. Philippines – 36,289 km / 22548 mi
5. Japan – 29,751 km / 18,486 mi
6. Australia – 25,760 km / 16,006 mi
7. Norway – 25,148 km / 15,626 mi
8. United States – 19,924 km / 12,380 mi
9. New Zealand – 15,134 km / 9403 mi
10. China – 14,500 km / 9009 mi

Note: Greenland has 44,087 km of coastline but it is not yet a fully independent country.

Posted in Brain Teasers